List Of Basic Programs

1Program to print Hello World
2Add Two Numbers
3Program to subtract two numbers
4Program to multiply two numbers
5Program to divide two numbers
6Program to find modulus of two numbers
7Program to find Quotient and Remainder
8Program to calculate power of a number
9Program to calculate Permutation And Combination
10Program to find simple interest
11Program to calculate Gross Salary
12Program to calculate percentage mark of student
13Program to calculate Grade of Student
14Program to find the average of numbers in a given range
15Program to generate Random number in a given Range
16Program to Swap Two Numbers
17Program to find sum of digits of a number
18Program to reverse a number
19Program to calculate Factorial of a Number
20Program to display multiplication table of a number
21Program to Display Fibonacci Series
22Program to Display Fibonacci Series using Recursion
23Program of Simple Calculator using switch
24Program to convert Binary to Decimal
25Program to convert Binary to Hexa Decimal
26Program to convert Decimal to Octal
27Program to convert Decimal to Binary
28Program to convert Octal to Decimal
29Program to print all Squares of numbers from 1 to given Range
30Program to find sum of first and last digit of a number
31Program to find factors of a Number
32Program to find HCF using Recursion
33Program to find HCF(Highest Common Factor)/GCD(Greatest Common Divisor) and LCM(Least Common Multiple)
34Program to find LCM(Least Common Multiple)
35Program to calculate factorial using Recursion
36program to calculate square root of a number using sqrt()
37Program to calculate square root of a number without using standard library function sqrt()
38Program to find largest and smallest digit in a Number
39Program to find largest and smallest character in a String
40Program to calculate power of a number using recursion
41Simple Calculator Using If Else
42Data Type in C and Java
43Menu Driven Simple Calculator Using If Else
44Program to add two complex numbers
45Program to calculate area of a circle
46Program to calculate area of triangle
47Program to calculate right angle triangle
48Program to calculate area of square
49Program to calculate area of a Rectangle
50Program to calculate volume and surface area of cube
51Program to calculate volume and surface area of cylinder
52Program to calculate Volume and Surface Area of Sphere
53Program to swap two strings
54Program to Find ASCII value of a character
55Program To Check Armstrong Number
56Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd
57Program to Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Not
58Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
59Program to find greatest of 3 numbers
60Check whether a given number is a perfect number or not
61Program to Check Leap Year
62Program to find all prime numbers in given range