List Of Basic Programs 10202550100 entries per pageSearch: NumbersProgramms 1Program to print Hello World 2Add Two Numbers 3Program to subtract two numbers 4Program to multiply two numbers 5Program to divide two numbers 6Program to find modulus of two numbers 7Program to find Quotient and Remainder 8Program to calculate power of a number 9Program to calculate Permutation And Combination 10Program to find simple interest 11Program to calculate Gross Salary 12Program to calculate percentage mark of student 13Program to calculate Grade of Student 14Program to find the average of numbers in a given range 15Program to generate Random number in a given Range 16Program to Swap Two Numbers 17Program to find sum of digits of a number 18Program to reverse a number 19Program to calculate Factorial of a Number 20Program to display multiplication table of a number Showing 1 to 20 of 62 entries‹1›