All Program Related To String And Data Structure
Description To check entered character is vowel or consonant, follow the following program. C/C++ /* C Program to check entered character is vowel or consonants */ //Save it as CheckVowelAndConsonant.c…
Description Two way To convert uppercase to lowercase or vice versa 1) Travese the string character by character add 32 to convert uppercase to lowercase and substract 32 to convert…
Description To remove given from a string, scan string from start and put space character in place of this numbers and print string ignoring space character. Example Remove 5 and…
Description To multiply numbers present in a string check which character is number. If character is a number, multiply it else ignore that character. C/C++ /* C program to multiply…
Description To remove vowels from string store only consonant in a character array. The program will take string as a user input and give output a string having no any…
Description To copy a string another variable use library function. C/C++ /* C Program to copy string*/ //Save it as CopyString.c #include<stdio.h> int main(){ char str[50], newStr[500]; printf("Enter a string…
Description To find frequency of a character in a string take a loop from start to end and check how many times a given character present. In this program, user…
Description To sort set of strings in alphabetical order, user will take set of strings and program will sort the set of strings in alphabetical order. C/C++ /* C Program…
Description To sort string in alphabetical order, sort characters of strings. C/C++ /* C Program to sort characters of strings in alphabetical order*/ //Save it as SortStringCharacter.c #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int…
Description A string is called palindrome if reverse of the string is same as string. To check string is palindrome traverse string from beginning and compare character of string from…