In this program, user will enter operator(+,-,*,/) and two operands. It will give output based on entered operator.
/* C Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */
//Save it as SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse.c
int main(){
double firstNumber, secondNumber;
char op;
printf("Enter the first number : ");
printf("Enter the second number : ");
printf("Enter the operation");
printf("\nFor addition + ");
printf("\nFor subtraction - ");
printf("\nFor multiplication * ");
printf("\nFor division / : ");
scanf(" %c",&op);
if(op == '+') {
printf("The summation of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber+secondNumber));
}else if(op == '-') {
printf("The subtraction of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber-secondNumber));
}else if(op == '*') {
printf("The multiplication of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber*secondNumber));
}else if(op == '/') {
printf("The division of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber/secondNumber));
printf("Invalid Input");
return 0;
/* C Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */
//Save it as SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse.c
int main(){
double firstNumber, secondNumber;
char op;
printf("Enter the first number : ");
printf("Enter the second number : ");
printf("Enter the operation");
printf("\nFor addition + ");
printf("\nFor subtraction - ");
printf("\nFor multiplication * ");
printf("\nFor division / : ");
scanf(" %c",&op);
if(op == '+') {
printf("The summation of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber+secondNumber));
}else if(op == '-') {
printf("The subtraction of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber-secondNumber));
}else if(op == '*') {
printf("The multiplication of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber*secondNumber));
}else if(op == '/') {
printf("The division of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber/secondNumber));
printf("Invalid Input");
return 0;
/* C Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */ //Save it as SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse.c #include<stdio.h> int main(){ double firstNumber, secondNumber; char op; printf("Enter the first number : "); scanf("%lf",&firstNumber); printf("Enter the second number : "); scanf("%lf",&secondNumber); printf("Enter the operation"); printf("\nFor addition + "); printf("\nFor subtraction - "); printf("\nFor multiplication * "); printf("\nFor division / : "); scanf(" %c",&op); if(op == '+') { printf("The summation of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber+secondNumber)); }else if(op == '-') { printf("The subtraction of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber-secondNumber)); }else if(op == '*') { printf("The multiplication of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber*secondNumber)); }else if(op == '/') { printf("The division of %lf and %lf = %lf",firstNumber,secondNumber,(firstNumber/secondNumber)); }else{ printf("Invalid Input"); } return 0; }
Input: Enter the first number : 7 Enter the second number : 6 Enter the operation For addition + For subtraction - For multiplication * For division / : * Output: The multiplication of 7.0 and 6.0 = 42.0
![Simple Calculator](
/* Java Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */
//Save it as
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the first number : ");
double firstNumber = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the second number : ");
double secondNumber = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the operation");
System.out.println("For addition + ");
System.out.println("For subtraction - ");
System.out.println("For multiplication * ");
System.out.println("For division / : ");
char op =;
if(op == '+') {
System.out.println("The summation of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber+secondNumber));
}else if(op == '-') {
System.out.println("The subtraction of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber-secondNumber));
}else if(op == '*') {
System.out.println("The multiplication of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber*secondNumber));
}else if(op == '/') {
System.out.println("The division of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber/secondNumber));
}else {
System.out.println("Invalid Input");
/* Java Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */
//Save it as
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the first number : ");
double firstNumber = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the second number : ");
double secondNumber = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the operation");
System.out.println("For addition + ");
System.out.println("For subtraction - ");
System.out.println("For multiplication * ");
System.out.println("For division / : ");
char op =;
if(op == '+') {
System.out.println("The summation of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber+secondNumber));
}else if(op == '-') {
System.out.println("The subtraction of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber-secondNumber));
}else if(op == '*') {
System.out.println("The multiplication of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber*secondNumber));
}else if(op == '/') {
System.out.println("The division of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber/secondNumber));
}else {
System.out.println("Invalid Input");
/* Java Program of Simple Calculator Using If Else */ //Save it as import*; import java.util.Scanner; public class SimpleCalculatorUsingIfElse { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the first number : "); double firstNumber = scanner.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the second number : "); double secondNumber = scanner.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the operation"); System.out.println("For addition + "); System.out.println("For subtraction - "); System.out.println("For multiplication * "); System.out.println("For division / : "); char op =; if(op == '+') { System.out.println("The summation of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber+secondNumber)); }else if(op == '-') { System.out.println("The subtraction of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber-secondNumber)); }else if(op == '*') { System.out.println("The multiplication of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber*secondNumber)); }else if(op == '/') { System.out.println("The division of "+firstNumber+" and "+secondNumber+" = "+(firstNumber/secondNumber)); }else { System.out.println("Invalid Input"); } } }
Input: Enter the first number : 7 Enter the second number : 9 Enter the operation For addition + For subtraction - For multiplication * For division / : + Output: The summation of 7.0 and 9.0 = 16.0
![Simple Calculator](
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